The Wolves of Langston goes into print
Our debut solo adventure The Wolves of Langston is now rolling out in print. It's available in softcover and hardcover.

Now we know we're a bit behind schedule, so in the interest of transparency, we'd like to at least let you know why (because we appreciate you just for being here).
First off, we had some printing quirks like image quality, coloring, and sizing of the cover images. We decided we'd rather ship a little late than send you inferior books, so we ran through 3 print samples (each taking a couple of weeks to arrive). We're now happy with the quality you'll be getting, so we're queuing up the print copies.

Second, our printer made it much harder to upload bulk orders - and impossible if we want to apply the discount that allowed us to offer you all the books at the reduced cost - so we are now manually entering each book order into their print queue. But be rest assured that your books are on the way.
We'd also like to thank everyone who has messaged us or joined our Discord server to let us know what issues they've had and what they've enjoyed about The Wolves of Langston. There may be other news related to solo adventures coming very soon, so keep an eye on this space for more.
Thank you for the support!